Wonderful time in Prague

by Sarah

I would just like to inform you that the six of us really enjoyed our time in Prague, and this was largely helped by the accommodation you provided. The trip was a great success. The facilities were great and the staff made us feel very welcome. Thank you for helping make it such a memorable trip!

Comments for Wonderful time in Prague

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Thanks for your note and Photo
by: Dean

We're happy you enjoyed the apartment and your time in Prague. And, I love the photo you submitted. This is one of my favorite parts of Prague (Kampa Island) and is very close to the apartment. This is an area that many visitors neglect to see. Many locals come here to hang out, have a picnic or just sit on a bench with a book. We love the mill cafe nearby and the views of Old Town across the river.

Of course, the Kampa Museum and its sculptures outside are well worth a visit too. Oh, there's so much to see here!

Did you also see the John Lennon Wall when you were there? It's just around the corner from this mill wheel.

This area was actually completely flooded in 2002. But, the buildings have been restored and maintain their original character. There is also another mill wheel a little further south of this one.

If anyone is considering staying in the Joseph apartment, then we highly recommend setting aside some time to walk the area around the apartment and visit places like Kampa. There's really a local feeling to this area as opposed to so many "main areas" that seem to cater to just tourists.

Anyway, thanks for your comment and choosing to stay at the Joseph.

All the best,

My Prague Sights

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